Spec. dr med. Feđa Đorđević


Spec. dr med. Feđa Đorđević


  • MD: 2010, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade,
  • Internship: 2010, Clinical Centre of Serbia
  • Residency: 2020 Medical oncology, Clinical Centre of Serbia and Institute for oncology and radiology of Serbia
  • PhD studies: 2016, Tumor biology (started), School of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Proffesional training:

July 2008: International exchange of medical students of the International Federation of Medical Student Associationes, Department of Cardiology, Kaunas , Lithuania
March 2013: ESO course: Visiting Professorship on Lung Cancer, Belgrade,Serbia
May 2013: 3rd ESO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, Dubrovnik, Croatia
March 2014: European Union project “Development of palliative care in Serbia”- Principles and philosophy of palliative care, palliative care knowledge and skills development, part 1, 2 and 3, Belgrade,Serbia
March 2015: 1stAROME Masterclass in molecular oncology, Skopje, Macedonia
March 2015: Eastern Europe and Balkan Region Refresher Course on Lung Cancer, Belgrade, Serbia
July 2015: 2nd ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dec 2016: The First Regional Educational Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients for Eastern Europe and the Balkan region, Belgrade, Serbia
May 2017: The First Regional Congress of Medical Oncology, Dubrovnik, Croatia
May 2017: Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG) Preceptorship program on Immuno Check point inhibition, Vienna, Austria
May 2017: Scientific Days of the Oncology Institute, Bucharest, Romania
May 2017: ESMO Preceptorship on Immune-Oncology Amsterdam, Holland
July 2017: 4th ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, Belgrade, Serbia
Dec 2017: The Second Regional Educational Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients for Eastern Europe and the Balkan region, Belgrade, Serbia
Dec 2017: Open Medical Institute Seminar: Palliative Care in Pediatrics, Salzburg, Austra
Feb 2018: Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG) „Multidisciplinary Course of Thoracic Malignancies“ in Brdo, Slovenia
March 2018: ESMO-The Christie Preceptorship on Lung Cancer Manchester United Kingdom
May 2018: 13 th Belgrade International Symposium on Pain , Belgrade Serbia
Jun 2018: MASCC/ISOO 2018 Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer, Vienna ,Austria
Sep 2018: Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO), Houston USA
Nov 2018 ESO ASCO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, Yerevan, Armenia
Sep 2019: 9 th Congress of General Practise Medicine in Serbia
Apr 2019 5th ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology, Sibenik, Croatia
Oct 2019 ESMO Preceptorship on Breast Cancer, Lisbon, Portugal
2020 International Development and Education Award (IDEA) by the Conquer Cancer Foundation and ASCO. This award will enable recipient to attend the ASCO 2020 meeting and an observership at the Cancer Center with a mentorship
2021 CECOG Young Oncologist Leadership Program
2022 ESMO Preceptorship for Gastric cancer, Valencia ,Spain
2023 ESMO Advanced course in NSCLC with oncogenic driver mutations Barcelona, Spain

Cinical trials:

Various randomized multicentre international phase III clinical trials and randomized bioequivalence studies


1. Multinational association for supportive care in cancer (MASCC)
2. European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
3. Serbian Medical Society-general secretary
4. Serbian Society of Medical Oncology
5. European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
6. Serbian Association for Cancer Research (SDIR)
7. Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO) – Ambassador to Serbia


I Abstracts from International congresses /Abstract Books/:
1. Nikolić V, Josifovski J, Radosavljević D, Nikolić N, Ristić M, Djordjević F, Čavić M, Jakovljević K, Janković R, Gavrilović D:
Efficasy of the combination of Irinotecan and Cetuximab in treating patients with chemotherapy refractory metastatic colorectal cancer- preliminary results- Arch.of Gastroenterohepatology, oct 2011,Vol.28, No1-2,p.104,PP32

2. Spasić J, Krivokuća, A, Čavić, M, Jakovljević, K, Mališić E, Ristić, M, Djordjević F, Radosavljević D, Janković R.
Thymidylate synthase gene polymorphisms and lung adenocarcinoma in Serbia. 3rd European Lung Cancer Conference. J Thorac Oncol. 2012,7(6), Supplement 1:S42 (abstract id. 113P)

3. Spasić J, Stanic N, Djordjević F, Ristić M, Nikolić N, Radosavljević D.
Is there an association between the occurrence of neutropenia and neuropathy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with Folfox Ann Oncol (2013) 24 (suppl 4): iv97

4. J.Dimitrijevic , S.Bosnjak, F.Djordjevic, N.Bakic, I.Kezic. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) as a screening tool for symptoms in patients admitted to Clinic for medical oncology, Instutute for oncology and radiology of Serbia. 2nd Regional Congress on Supportive Care in Oncology. Abstract book (2014)

5. Djordjevic F, Bosnjak S, Dimitrijevic J, Stanic N, Bakic N, Susnjar S. Hydromorphone SR effective and safe for the treatment of cancer dyspnea in lung cancer patients: positive preliminary results. Support Care Cancer 2015, 23 (Suppl 1): S260

6. Spasic J, Stanic,N, Ristic M, Djordjevic F , Nikolic N, Nikolic V, Pupovac S, Radosavljevic,D. (2015). Cetuximab as third line treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC) – 5-year experience from the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Annals of Oncology. 26. 10.1093/annonc/mdv233.276.

7. Bosnjak S, Dimitrijevic J, Djordjevic F. Cancer and Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting: A focus on olanzapine. Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care (2016), 10:180–188

8. Scientific Days of the Oncology Institute, May 2017,Bucharest, Romania- abstract book: F.Djordjevic. Serbian model of integration of Palliative care into Oncology practice

9. Spasic J, Stanic N, Djordjevic F , Ristic M, Nikolić V, Radosavljevic, Davorin. (2017). Mitomycin-c (mtc) as salvage therapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). Annals of Oncology. 28. 10.1093/annonc/mdx261.321

10. Spasic, J,Stanic, N, Djordjevic F, Jokic V Radosavljevic D (2018). P3.01-92 Blood Test Parameters as Prognostic Factors In EGFR-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With TKIs. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 13. S902. 10.1016/j.jtho.2018.08.1652.

11. Radosavljevic D, Spasic J, Ristic M , Nikolic V , Nikolic N, Stanic, N. , Djordjevic F, Gavrilović, Dušica. (2018). P3.01-85 Real-World Gefitinib 1st Line Treatment of Patients with Advanced NSCLC and EGFR Mutations – Serbian Single Center Experience. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 13. S899. 10.1016/j.jtho.2018.08.1645.

12. Djordjevic F. Assessment of Symptom Burden Among Patients Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (MM) Admitted to Receive Chemotherapy at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia (IORS) (2018) Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia, Volume 18, S238

II Abstracts from National congresses /Abstract Books/:
1. Section of oncology of Serbian Medical Society 52 th annual meeting, abstract book: F.Djordjevic. Dyspnea in advanced cancer patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines (2015)

2. Serbian Society of Medical Oncology School (lung cancer), abstract book: F.Djordjevic. Dyspnea in patients with lung cancer (2016)

3. 7th Serbian-French Oncology Congress, March 2016 Novi Sad, Serbia- abstract book: Morphine: Cancer Pain and Dyspnoea

4. Section of oncology of Serbian Medical Society 53 th annual meeting, abstract book: J.Dimitrijevic, S.Bosnjak, F.Djordjevic, N.Bakic, I.Kezic.The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) as a screening tool for symptoms in patients with melanoma admitted to Clinic for medical oncology (CMO), Instutute for oncology and radiology of Serbia (IORS) (2016)

5. Section of oncology of Serbian Medical Society 54 th annual meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2017- abstract book: Djordjevic F, Stanic N, Dimitrijevic J, Spasic J, Zilic A, Bosnjak S, Radosavljevic D, Susnjar S. The efficacy and tolerability of slow release hydromorphone in the treatment of cancer dyspnea in lung cancer patients: experience from the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia

6. Serbian Society of Medical Oncology School (lung cancer), abstract book: F.Djordjevic. Immunotherapy in the first line treatment in patient with NSCLC (2018)

III Books and Monographies/Brochures:

1. Educational brochure for patients about prevention and therapy of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting for Serbian Society for the Fight Against Cancer (2015)

2. Educational brochure for patients about supportive oncology for Institute for oncology and radiology of Serbia (2015)

Prim. dr sci. med. Davorin Radosavljević


Prim. dr sci. med. Davorin Radosavljević


1982. Basic studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
1991. Specialization in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
1996. Master’s degree in oncology, with the thesis “The importance of assessing the quality of life in the selection of a chemotherapy regimen for the treatment of patients with advanced squamous cell lung cancer“, at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
2007. Title of primarius
2008. PhD with the dissertation “Prognostic model of advanced non-small cell lung cancer in patients treated with chemotherapy

Work experience:

1985 to 2024. Employed at the Clinic for Medical Oncology
2001. Head of the Department for Chemotherapy of Solid Tumors
2011 – 2024. Director of the Clinic for Medical Oncology
2017. Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade

Scientific titles and participation in scientific projects:

Gained research associate title in 2009, the first re-election in January 2015, the last on January 22, 2020.

Areas of interest and scientific research are systemic chemotherapy of solid malignant lung tumors, digestive tract and urological tumors.

Participated in scientific projects of the Ministry of Science 13M13, 1996-2000. (head of NSav Dr. N. Mitrović) and 145055, 2005-2010. (head of NSav Dr. S. Jelić).

From 2011-2015. participates in two projects: Pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenomics of testing new drugs in the treatment of solid tumors, 41026, head of NSav Dr. Siniša Radulović and Role of preoperative determination of disease stage, prognostic and therapeutic markers, objectification of functional results in the decision on the strategy of rectal cancer treatment, and with the aim of improving oncological results and quality of life, 41033, head of Prof. Dr. Zoran Krivokapić.

Lectures at European meetings:

Lecturer at the 11th European Congress on Public Health in Ljubljana on November 30, 2018. Title: “The role of a Cancer Control Plan in Advancing Patient Outcomes

Lecturer by invitation at the meeting Cost Action CA17404 “New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumors” Belgrade, 27/28.02.2020. Title: “Targeted therapies in oncology – advantage and resistance

Professional work in expert commissions and associations in Serbia:

For the National Guide for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer 2011. wrote a chapter on chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. For the 2012 National Guide for the Treatment and Diagnosis of Colon and Rectal Cancer. wrote a chapter on adjuvant and systemic chemotherapy for colorectal cancer.

President of the Subcommittee for Antineoplastic Medicines of the Central Committee for Medicines of the RFZO 2004-2012.

Member of the Republic Expert Commission for Oncology since 2014. and the Republican Expert Commission for Cytotoxic and Molecularly Targeted Medicines of the Ministry of Health 2015-2019. Previously, a member of the Subcommittee for Medicines of the RSK for oncology since 2008. ALIMS external expert since 2004.

Vice President of the Central Commission for Medicines of the RFZO from 2021.

Memberships in professional associations:

Member of the SLD Cancer Section since 1986. secretary of the Section 1995-2001, member of the Presidency.
Member of the Presidency of the Association of Medical Oncologists of Serbia (UMOS) since its foundation in 2005.
Member of the European Association of Medical Oncologists (ESMO) since 1996. and the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) since 2003.
Member of the Balkan Union of Oncologists (BUON) since 1996, member of the Editorial Board of J of BUON.
Member of the Central European Cooperative Oncology Group (CECOG) since 2004

Dr med. Miodrag Jašović

radiation oncologist

Dr med. Miodrag Jašović


  • 2004 Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2018 Specialization in radiation oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2024 Enrolled in sub-specialization in oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, ongoing


  • 2005 – 2014 BCM-TRADE, Euro Medico Trade, Pfizer – expert associate, Lundbeck – associate for drug registration and pharmacovigilance
  • 2014 – 2018 Radius Svetozarević – clinical doctor on specialization at IORS
  • since 2018 Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Neurosurgery, Center for Neurooncology, Department of Radiosurgery GAMA KNIFE – radiation oncologist


  • 2005 DSZBPR brochure – Nutrition in cancer patients
  • 2022 Magazine “RAK” – Stereotaxic radiotherapy
  • 2023 EANS2023 Barcelona – Gamma knife treatments of recurrent metastases after previous conducted palliative radiotherapy of the whole brain
  • Member of the Serbian Medical Association and the European Association of Neurosurgeons (EANS)


Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


  • 1997 she graduated from basic studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2004 Master’s degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (“Monitoring of the nephrotoxic effect of various aminoglycosides during febrile neutropenia caused by cytotoxic therapy”)
  • 2005 specialization in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2010 she received her doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade (“Effect of ERCC1 protein expression level on resistance to platinum regimens in ovarian cancer”)
  • 2015 subspecialization in oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Work experience:

  • Since 1999, medical oncologist, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Clinic for Medical Oncology, Department of Breast Cancer and Gynecology

Dr sci. med. Ivana Božović Spasojević


Dr sci. med. Ivana Božović Spasojević

Dr Božović-Spasojević is a specialist in Internal Medicine, a subspecialist in Clinical Oncology, a Senior Research Associate in the field of oncology and a clinical assistant at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade in the subject Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy. She completed the breast cancer subspecialization program at the ULM University in Germany under the support of the European School of Oncology (ESO).

She is a regular member of the council for the treatment of breast cancer and malignancy of gynecological organs at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, the largest oncological institution in the Republic of Serbia and the national center for cancer research. She spent three years in doctoral studies in Brussels, at the Jules Bordet Institute as a recipient of a TRANSBIG scholarship at the academic organization Breast International Group (BIG), supported by the European Commission (European Commission, Framework Program VII, and The European Cancer Organization, ECCO). She worked as a medical advisor for clinical and translational research in the field of breast cancer and innovative drugs within the academic organization BIG and the Breast data center.

Dr Božović-Spasojević is the founder of the academic group for breast cancer research in Serbia. And leads the research program on breast cancer in men in Serbia within the EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) organization; participates in the fertility preservation and pregnancy planning program for patients with breast cancer, within the framework of fertility preservation counseling.

She is one of the authors of the national guide for the treatment of breast cancer, as well as the author of a clinical oncology textbook for students of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. She has written numerous brochures for patients being treated for malignant diseases. Dr Božović-Spasojević has participated in the leadership program within the European Association of Medical Oncologists, ESMO Leaders Generation Program 2018. She graduated from the Academy for Health Management in Serbia, Methodes doo, FranklinCovey USA in 2017. She is a member of the Central Ethics Committee of Serbia, a member of the working group for oncology at the Ministry of Health in the period from 2015 to 2020. She is also a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Medical Oncologists of Serbia, UMOS; head of the working group for the treatment of malignant diseases in young people at the European Society for Medical Oncologists (ESMO).