Ultrasound examination, mammography and MRI are the basic breast exams. None of these methods is superior to the others, but they represent complementary methods that can provide additional information about the structure of the breast or possible changes in it. When the examination will be done depends on the age of the patient, the structure of the breast, as well as the presence of breast cancer in the family. And depending on those factors, the radiologist will make a plan and schedule of examinations.
Depending on your age, breast tissue structure and family history, the radiologist will determine the method and schedule of the examination. It is important to always consult with your radiologist. It is also very important that the radiologist knows all the methods in order to choose the best one, as well as to avoid possible unnecessary examinations.
In standard cases where there is no breast cancer in the family, ultrasound examinations begin in the twenties, on annual basis.
The initial mammographic examination is recommended from the age of 40, and from the age of 50 to the age of 70 it is done regularly every 2 years. In cases where there is a history of illness in the family, examinations start earlier and are done more often. genetic testing of the patient and other female family members is also recommended in these cases in order to determine the risk and plan further examinations.
Tomosynthesis mammography is an advanced breast imaging method that allows the creation of three-dimensional images of the breast, which can improve the accuracy of diagnosis compared to traditional two-dimensional mammography. This procedure helps to reduce tissue overlap in the image, giving doctors a better view of the structure of the breast. Tomosynthesis mammography is often used for early detection of cancer and other changes.
It is important to note that mammography with tomosynthesis is part of a comprehensive approach in the diagnosis of breast cancer, along with clinical examination and other modalities, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance, depending on the needs and specificity of the patient.
MRI of the breast is performed: as a screening examination in high-risk patients, to determine the extent of the disease, to assess the results of therapy, as an additional method to assess the condition of implants.