Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


Ass. dr sci. med. Marijana Milović-Kovačević


  • 1997 she graduated from basic studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2004 Master’s degree at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (“Monitoring of the nephrotoxic effect of various aminoglycosides during febrile neutropenia caused by cytotoxic therapy”)
  • 2005 specialization in Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade
  • 2010 she received her doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade (“Effect of ERCC1 protein expression level on resistance to platinum regimens in ovarian cancer”)
  • 2015 subspecialization in oncology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Work experience:

  • Since 1999, medical oncologist, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Clinic for Medical Oncology, Department of Breast Cancer and Gynecology